Morning all........what a gloomy start to the week..... breezy, grey and wet, the only good thing is that it's not as cold!
Going into town with my older sister for a mooch around.....and to break the bank by buying postage stamps for all our Xmas cards......that is going to be very painful
Just wish the weather was better but most of the time we will be undercover in the shopping centre.
@Logan ....just had a read back ...I didn't mean for my earlier post to read as it did....l meant it as that I fully sympathise with YOU as I have similar problems...and that it hard for others who have never gone through such experiences to fully grasp what you and I feel like. I wasn't suggesting that you didn't know how I feel at all. Didn't mean the offend....sorry
Have a lovely day despite it looking as if we are all in for a Murky Monday

PS......I had absolutely brilliant parents......makes me wonder what our brood think of us!