Crazy weather. 70s followed by 30s, and all temps in between. I really want to get my raised beds done and in, but weather is still fluctuating, my notorious weather app says maybe snow late this week. That’ll change, I’m sure, but it’s a possibility. Ugh. So my plan is a bin of potatoes, I bought the blue kind! Very cool looking, they are already trying to grow in their box. A bin of corn, with beans of some kind growing up them, and a butternut squash as ground cover, to keep moisture in. ( which reminds me, has anyone tried that before! Should I plant them all at the same time or let the corn get started first, then add the others?) a bin of root vegetables, like radish and carrots, and a bin of cucumber, tomatoes, and maybe some basil in there. Then I’ll have a bin for aquaponics, to see if that works out well. I’ll try a little of each except the radish and carrots.