I'm not much of a gardener but I've had a volunteer squash plant of some sort growing in my front yard this summer. I don't know what it is but it looks like some kind of winter squash. Most of them (about 10 squashes) have a spaghetti squash size and shape but they are dark green. The largest is about the size of a small watermelon. A month or so back, a small one fell off the vine, so my wife sliced it up. It had a zucchini like cross section (with a little y shape in the center) and tasted rather like raw zucchini (good). I've had some squash bugs lately but so far, damage has been slight and confined to a couple of the squashes. I've sprayed them with a mixture of water, Dawn dish washing soap and salt and that seems to be getting rid of the bugs. I'll attach some pictures below. The last one shows some squash bug damage.
Anyone have any idea what kind of squash these are and how to tell when to harvest them?
Anyone have any idea what kind of squash these are and how to tell when to harvest them?