Hello all, I have done a little digging and found some information but it's not exactly what I was looking for. What I would like to do is get something st
arted along with or after I plant sweet corn to control weeds. I have tried some ideas that don't quite give the results I'm looking for, so I'm looking for suggestions from other folks who have done similar. It's not technically companion planting because I don't need anything that is usually suggested and I have 100 feet of three rows (1 foot spacing in the rows and 2 feet between them), and planting something like cucumbers or pole beans would cost 100x what I pay for a couple ounces of seeds. The one thing I can find is to plant something like clover or annual ryegrass between the rows. So I'm wondering is if overseeding after the corn has got going (not just planting a row in between), or even at the same time I plant the corn, would get me decent weed control. And I wonder if planting a nitrogen fixer such as clover would give the corn all the fertilizer they need. The root of the problem is that the neighbors on either side of me have what amounts to 50% weeds in their hay (our development was once a hay field) that they rarely mow, and everything I plant gets carpet bombed with weed seeds once they start to mature