I grew Stowells Evergreen heirloom sweet corn last year and it is chewy so you can probably cross that off your list. It isn't real sweet either. Kind of a plain tasting corn. Boiling it longer helped tender it some but still chewy. I would only grow it again for its heirloom property and maybe cost.
I usually grow Incredible hybrid sweet corn which isn't chewy if you pick it at the right time. It is fairly sweet. I like it.
If you wait too long to harvest they can all become somewhat chewier.
Using corn growth stages to maximize yield Management strategies for improving corn yield are most effective when you can identify the growth stage in which potential yield is affected. For example, the effects of fertilization, frost or hail, moisture stress, plant diseases, insect injury, and...
I still have Incredible seed left so that is what I'm planting this year but next year I'll probably try what Meadowlark suggested.
Go to your local CO-OP or farm store and see what they have.