This is our first year with a garden so my question(s) be rather newbish in nature. Our plan was to grow them vertically, but that's not how it ended up. As the fruit starts growing, their weight has them on the ground. So they weren't laying directly on the ground, we cut a piece of ground cover cloth for it to lay on. They're getting very large and still very firm so we are considering harvesting them this weekend. I decided to pick them up to look at the underside. The underside is firm as well, but a lot lighter in color. In my new-gardening mind, I assume this is because it doesn't get any light to it from being on the ground but I need to be sure. Will it darken once it is picked? I don't think there is anything wrong with it because I see some like this in the store, but i just want to be sure. I thought about turning it as it grew, but it seems to be too late for that at this point.