I bought a sweet quince, very tasty fruit they claimed. Mmm, hardly any fruit and tasteless, not worth eating. I have a sour quince nearby, it groans with tasty fruit, I planted a plum, supposed to be a cordon on a dwarf root stock, but it’s growing so fast that it will have to be cut down. Lovely fruit though. I planted two medlars, staked properly, both starting leaning dramatically. I had to cut one down, the other is at 45 degrees. Very pretty tree though. I planted some Polka raspberries, all were small, half were disgusting. I removed them, bought more elsewhere, lovely. I bought some spineless raspberries with purple fruit. Disgusting and small. I bought a white hyssop, the flowers were blue, I bought prostrate rosemary plants, started trimming them when they reached four feet tall. I planted a Cox apple tree, the first fruits were not pleasant, this year will be make or break. Yes some other shrubs have turned out okay, lots of blackcurrants that are productive and tasty, white currants were good, though one was actually a pink currant, that’s close enough. I bought a Morello cherry, amazing fruit, but the tree is not growing great now for some reason.
In my experience half what I buy from nurseries is not as described. I am in East Hampshire in England.
In my experience half what I buy from nurseries is not as described. I am in East Hampshire in England.