A little late but... I was preparing to make a seed purchase where price and variety was important, about 30 packages most all a different plant, typically herbs. I looked at lots of places on line both smaller and larger. Of the large that come to mind were Burpee, Botanical Interest, Johnny's, Territorial and others. For the best selection and value, for me it was Renee's Garden. They had good prices, large selection and everything was in stock. For consumer purchasing Renee's packaging documentation (when to plant, where to plant) was good and the web page had some nice elements.
Out of stock combined with a modest number of varieties was an issue at some of the larger places surprisingly enough. The other thing was some of the larger places are not the cheapest, While Johnny's Seed pricing was good in quantity 1/4 oz and above, they were one of the most expensive at the packet level.
The biggest thing I noticed was a lot of place did not disclose how many seeds you get, Yes the pack and product listing might say 1G or 750 MG but what is that in seed count? Renee's Garden had a very straight forward document clearly stating seed count expectation. It was very helpful in comparison shopping over all.
Link to Renee's Seeds per Packet - Seeds per Weight