Your plant looks very much like a Mesembryanthemum or Lamparanthus to me.
I have quite a lot of these, some yellow ones like the one in your picture and some called ' Spectablis ' which have fluorescent cerise petals and a yellow center.
Mesembryanthemums are a succulent low-growing, spreading plant, that is often used as a lawn replacement in some areas of the Mediterranean and is great for planting on slopes, in between rocks, flower beds, in fact you can plant this, just about anywhere and it will grow, so long as it has very well drained soil and plenty of sun, as the flowers only open in sunlight and close up on cloudy days and at night. Doesn't need much in the way of care and definitely no fertilizer, and can withstand long periods of neglect.
It is easily propagated by stem or leaf cuttings - just break a piece off, pop in some soil and hey presto a few weeks later, you'll have a plant.
Hope this is of help to you.