there's honeysuckle growing all around the back yard fence that's really strong, almost to the point of being cloying, but normally it's a sort of nice constant scent since there so much of it.
then a couple other things that i just catch a whiff of off and on
a few fruit trees. some had fairly nice smelling bloosoms this spring, but they're pretty small still so you had to be right up on them
i planted some scented geraniums (also called the mosquito plant, which is false advertising. it only smells like the plant that repels mosquitos). they're nice, kind of citrus-lemony smelling. and some lemongrass also (the real plant that possibly repels mosquitos), but i think i planted it wrong so i guess i'll have to try it again next year.
various mints. some in the ground from where i first made a little gazebo and planted it kind of along the path to it, and also some aquatic mint in my pond. so i get a little smell of it if i happen to step on some or move it around when i'm maintaining the pond. i recently planted more trying to get the smell a little stronger in the area.
i've also planted a couple of the other things mentioned, like lavender and lillies of the valley, but i none of it's come up yet to know how they'll be.