What is this, and how to prune / trim ?

Aug 16, 2013
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Hi itguy12 - from looking at your pictures I would say that your shrubs are one of the many Nadina Domestica Varieties which although they are more commonly known as Heavenly or Sacred Bamboo are not related to the Bamboo Family at all - and have to say that - if I am right and what you do have are Nadina Domestica - you have one of the most truly magnificent shrubs around - as not only are they evergreen and virtually maintenance and pest free - but will provide you with a stunning display throughout the growing season - especially as the season progresses their foliage gradually begins to change color in the lead up to their stunning autumn display of rich red purples.

As for pruning - its best done in the late spring and all that needs to be done is to keep the shrub in shape - which is done by cutting some of the oldest or very weak branches down to ground level - other than - providing that they have plenty of sun and some water every now and again - that is all that is needed - to keep your good sized specimens - looking as healthy as they do now :)


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