Trees to block off traffic at back of garden

May 25, 2024
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United Kingdom
Hi all.

I'm seeking some advice on what trees to plant at the back of my garden.

My garden backs on to a main road, with a approx 2m high wall to separate from the road. However the garden slopes up towards the house and so it doesn’t do a good enough job of blocking off the traffic.

What I'd like to do is plant a row of trees in front of the wall to help block off the view and noise of the traffic.

I'm also not wanting to annoy the neighbours by having something that grows up completely out of control. Although I fully realise I'll need to spend some time trimming them each year. I'm aiming to maintain at the 3-4m height maximum.

I'd also like to have a bit of variety to the trees. Maybe 2-3 different species. And as much as possible, avoid it turning into a plain hedge all the way across, but still see the individual trees if possible.

I've been looking at the following as possibilities.

- Western Red Cedar

- Thuja Occidentalis Smaragd (White Cedar Emerald)

- Portugal Laurel

- Thuja occidentalis Brabant (Possibly a bit too big)

- Monterey Cypress Hedging (Cupressus macrocarpa 'Goldcrest')

The space is 11m wide. I'm hoping to buy the plants as tall as I can physically manage to manoeuvre in place (I'm not entirely sure how big that is), depending on price as well. This is mainly as I'd like to gain the benefit of the trees being in place as soon as possible.

Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

Many thanks.

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