I, and my neighbours, appear to have a pretty bad tortrix moth infestation. They have annihilated an azalea last season (which is where I think the problem began) and have been found in the hedging and ornamental garden plants (such as water and penstemon) this season.
I have a moth trap (which has not caught anything so far after being hung for a week) and have been removing any caterpillar rolls and I can see from the plants in my garden and drowning them in hot soapy water.
However, on visiting my neighbour yesterday, I noted they have taken form residence in her garden too. In quite large numbers.
Aside from the traps and removing as I see them, can anyone can suggest anything else to help reduce the population?
Best wishes and thanks,
I, and my neighbours, appear to have a pretty bad tortrix moth infestation. They have annihilated an azalea last season (which is where I think the problem began) and have been found in the hedging and ornamental garden plants (such as water and penstemon) this season.
I have a moth trap (which has not caught anything so far after being hung for a week) and have been removing any caterpillar rolls and I can see from the plants in my garden and drowning them in hot soapy water.
However, on visiting my neighbour yesterday, I noted they have taken form residence in her garden too. In quite large numbers.
Aside from the traps and removing as I see them, can anyone can suggest anything else to help reduce the population?
Best wishes and thanks,