The price of fresh food.

Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
My sister in law has just returned from visiting her son in the US and was horrified by having to pay $2 for an apple. Over here an apple would be about 30p to 50p in the supermarket, maybe a pound in a mainline station café, but that is still only about half the price. She tells us fresh food is all dear like that, but why?
Feb 2, 2014
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La Porte Texas
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United States
My sister in law has just returned from visiting her son in the US and was horrified by having to pay $2 for an apple. Over here an apple would be about 30p to 50p in the supermarket, maybe a pound in a mainline station café, but that is still only about half the price. She tells us fresh food is all dear like that, but why?
Good question. This time 18 months ago a head of lettuce was $.99. Today it is $2.79. EVERYTHING has gone up enormously. And it is not only fresh food. It is everything. Two years ago a loaf of bread was $.69. Now it is $1.59. Personally, I think it is caused by the federal government, either doing or not doing something. One hears it is caused by supply chain issues, by energy issues, by labor issues, by the governments policy of just printing more and more money. But whatever is causing this inflation it started shortly after our so called president was sworn into office.
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
it depends on where you live. I am lucky to live in Amish country. and have lots of Apple orchards around me. I can get fresh at reasonable prices. Bottom line. We can thank JOE for the issues of rising costs. Agree Chuck @Chuck
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
That is generally true over here too, most things are roughly half as much again, this winter's greenhouse heater fuel was £11.50 for the same plastic bottle I bought last year for £8, and that's across the board, if I see something that hasn't gone up I buy two :) Dunno, but I partly put that down to Ukraine. They can't possibly have had enough munitions that they are still using their own and they are holding up the Russian army at a time when it isn't at war anywhere else. Someone has to pay for it all even if we are using it to get rid of a lot of old stock and re-equip with more up to date stuff, Ukraine won't be contributing money-wise for a while.

It was particularly the prices of fresh food that surprised her though. My brother in law who is a carpenter made someone a cutting board and was so impressed by the price of good quality wood he filled his suitcase to come home, going out he had two 'Treasure chests' he made for the grand children.

I know very little of American politicians, the only ones I ever met were Udalls from Arizona, they were distant relatives and Mormons and got in touch in the 1950's when I was a little boy, they were Democrats and seemed like very decent people. Generally we only know what we are told about such things though, and as I get older I doubt that as someone's propaganda more and more. We used to say that America had a one sided view because it was so far from everywhere else, but even my horizons have expanded since the web, I watch news programmes from all over the world, it's amazing what gets left out.
Oct 8, 2017
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Birmingham, AL USA
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United States
My sister in law has just returned from visiting her son in the US and was horrified by having to pay $2 for an apple. Over here an apple would be about 30p to 50p in the supermarket, maybe a pound in a mainline station café, but that is still only about half the price. She tells us fresh food is all dear like that, but why?
Our debt basically. In 2008 gold was about 850 usd per ounce and in the great recession shot to 1900 per ounce. Here 10 years has again crossed 1900 per ounce as it it headed to 3000 per ounce or higher.

I Would spend dollars on more substantial holdings.

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