Thanks for this post! I have noodled around for a possible roof cleaner and after reading some about it think I will try some oxi-clean on my shed. Evidently water dilutes away any risk of concentration effects. What I have seen written or discussed starts with a 4oz per quart water. It has two parts, sodium carbonate (washing soda or soda ash, pool pH up) and the second component is hydrogen peroxide.
Aside, I have areas where I wish to keep moss, and have it be weed free. I was amused to learn glyophosate and other herbicides that rely on the vascular system of a plant will not hurt moss, because it has no vascular system. The oxygen released by sodium percarbonate works best on the single cell type plants and not higher forms from what I have read so far. The oxidation usually is essentially reducing the cells as if by burning. I suppose the oxygen comes out of their structure, but I am no chemist. Interesting subject!