I am very new to gardening and have a small, skinny bed along the side of my house that receives very little sun. The bed is about 15 ft long and 2 ft wide.
Looking for some advice on where to position my tubers to get the most full and asthetically pleasing result.
I have a few blue hostas, John peed caladium and bleeding hearts. Because I am very new at this I have no idea what these will look like in the space once they come up, how tall, wide etc. Any advice would be appreciated!
Looking for some advice on where to position my tubers to get the most full and asthetically pleasing result.
I have a few blue hostas, John peed caladium and bleeding hearts. Because I am very new at this I have no idea what these will look like in the space once they come up, how tall, wide etc. Any advice would be appreciated!