If the slate sheets are sufficiently flat an wonderfully attractive rustic patio could be constructed. First spread an underlayer of sand, fine or coarse. Then arrange the slate sheets so that almost touch in an irregularly, non-repeating pattern. Nestle the stones int the sand sot hat they do not wobble or shift. Next brush additional coarse sand between the stones until the surface is level. In spots that are not often tread, many small herbs will grow between the flat stones. Plnat and otherwise encourage the lower and finer plants, while clipping or gently pulling any that are too large or coarse. Fine-leaved Thymes (Thymus), Veronica, Rupturewort (Herniaria), Babies' Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii), Corsican Jewel-mint (Mentha requienii), and Sedum would be some of many excellent choices to plant and encourage.