Replace/match existing boxwood

May 27, 2018
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United States
We have a long row of established boxwood that we've been keeping squared off- well over 30 years old.. A while ago a small section of the boxwood (and juniper bush behind) was removed as part of a construction project (grrr!)... I want to clean up the "hole" of vegetation and at least replace/fill the missing boxwood section somehow... I got a boxwood from our local big box store and planted it in the open spot and it is doing ok health-wise, but it's clear now after about 5 months that he leaves are not going to be the same color as the surrounding boxwood (see pics)..

I have no idea how long it till take with growing/pruning/growing/pruning to get it to fill in the missing "square"- but I'm wondering if I should even stick with that process now if I could instead get a better match on the new boxwood color. Can anyone give any tips on what variety the surrounding boxwood might be (brighter green/bigger leaves) vs the one I have currently stuck in the opening (this is in northern coastal California)?

The gap created in the boxwood happened about 4 years ago, and although the parts that border the opening are growing in toward the opening- after 4 years I don't have much faith that they will be able to grow into the whole gap on their own...
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
I have a box of a very similar colour, a little more variegated maybe. When I cut it I put the larger cuttings into a rooting mix with plenty of sharp sand in it, then check for roots after about six months. If there are any they are obvious, it makes quite thick, white roots, and I take the rooted ones out and put the rest back. Sometimes they can take eighteen months to root, the leaves eventually go brown if they fail. It is slow growing, especially at first, so I aim for the bushy six inch cuttings rather than the two inch straight stems, that gives a head start.
Pity we are so far apart, I used to sell them to other gardeners but I have quite a few round the back of the greenhouse since I retired.

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