I have a rather large but very nice Pycrantha, in fact 3! 2 are alongside a garage and growing up and above a pagoda. One of these is smothered in berries from the earlier flowers. I don't really prune this as the majority of it is high above the pagoda.
The second is along the garage in the same bit of garden, just basically the other end. This again I have not really pruned but this one has hardly any flowers/berries at all.
I read last year that the flowers only appear on lasts years growth so I have def made a point of not pruning the 2nd shrub yet still hardly any flowers. Any ideas why?
My 3rd is over the other side of the garden probably 2/3 yrs old and has grown massive and is smothered in berries as is the first.
However I need to prune it as it is hanging over my pond.
So if I prune it once all the berries are gone (think be Feb/March next year) I presume I will not get any flowers next year?
(some people may not this looks similar to a previous thread, it is the same except one vital fact, I said it was my quince when in fact I was talking about my Pycratha's!!!
The second is along the garage in the same bit of garden, just basically the other end. This again I have not really pruned but this one has hardly any flowers/berries at all.
I read last year that the flowers only appear on lasts years growth so I have def made a point of not pruning the 2nd shrub yet still hardly any flowers. Any ideas why?
My 3rd is over the other side of the garden probably 2/3 yrs old and has grown massive and is smothered in berries as is the first.
However I need to prune it as it is hanging over my pond.
So if I prune it once all the berries are gone (think be Feb/March next year) I presume I will not get any flowers next year?
(some people may not this looks similar to a previous thread, it is the same except one vital fact, I said it was my quince when in fact I was talking about my Pycratha's!!!