I'm looking for a medium tall evergreen shrub to hide an ugly spot in my back yard next to the house (see photo; there is a deck to the left of the photo, and the site for the podocarpus would be in front of the concrete steps). I'm drawn to the podocarpus maki but it is rated zones 7-11 at most websites. We are rated zone 8a but we have what has become a regular Arctic Blast, and this past year the temp dropped to around zero for several days. Not zone 8! In the last few years, I have mainly shopped for plants rated from about zone 5-9, to help survive the winter blasts as well as our extreme heat in summer (often 104 or above). Does anyone know if this plant will be ok here? It is next to the house, so that may give it needed shelter. It is a sunny location, but not west sun. Thanks for any help!