Jessamom, could you post a photo of the roses? If you have one that is as high as your house, it may be a "climber" which is a misnomer since roses don't climb (no tendrils or clinging-things).
Another thing you may want to do is divide the root ball and start a new plant .Roses are not started by root division. Roses are started by cuttings, but you need to get these two under control before thinking about propagating.
Since you are in Canada in zone 3, wait until spring when the roses start to put out little red bumps on their canes--a sign of new growth. Then follow Knowthman's advice about pruning. Depending on rain, you may or may not need to water frequently. Here in Central Texas (hot, dry, and heavy soil) I give our roses a gallon a week. You may need to do less.
Please post photos if you can. That would be such a help!