It's only 6 - 8 small plants. Each about the size of my hand.
Would a landscape company charge much to get rid of them?
I know it seems silly to need help.
I do not think it would be safe for me to be near the plants or use the strong chemicals. I am autistic so highly challenged with awareness.
I just want to safe to work in my little garden again.
Do you have any friends who could use it on these plants?
At the risk of sounding like a chemical advocate, which I am not, Roundup, or glyphosate, its active ingredient, is one of the least dangerous chemicals you can use. It works by inhibiting a part of photosynthesis, and since you aren't a plant, it is essentially ineffective on you (or on soil or plant roots). If you drink coffee, you are ingesting a more powerful chemical (at least in terms of its effects on humans) than Roundup.
I don't like using any chemical if I don't have to, but your concern here is a bit misplaced. See if you can find a neighbor or friend who can either pull the plants (not guaranteed they won't sprout back) or hit them with Roundup. Getting a professional out for this might be possible, but it'd be serious overkill and I'd be far more concerned what they'd use in my garden (way worse than Roundup) and that they'd kill way more that just the poison ivy.