As I have said many times before, fruit set happens during the nighttime hours and the optimum temps are about 68F-70F. These are the best temps for SET but it is possible for fruit set as low as 62F and as high as 76F. But these temps are only 1/2 of the equation. The humidity must be correct for the temps. Anything below about 40%-45% and over 65%-70% fruit will not set. Researchers are trying to breed tomatoes that will set fruit at higher temps but so far about 76F is the highest achieved and this is for a few select varieties such as Heatmaster, Heatwave, Solar Fire, Solar Flare and a few others. The humidity must still be correct for these higher temps. As a side note these tomato varieties also have a thicker skin than other tomatoes.
Then there are heat tolerant tomatoes. Heat tolerant tomatoes are varieties in which GROWTH of the tomato fruit is extended. Optimum daylight temperature is 80F-85F. When sustained temps approach 90F growth of the tomato slows down and at 95F it stops. Heat tolerant tomatoes will sustain growth at a higher temps up to 93F but will still stop growth at 95F. Low nighttime temps and humidity percentages are the same as with regular tomato varieties.
Big Beef, Black Krim and Arkansas Traveler are heat tolerant varieties. Which of the heat tolerant varieties are the most heat tolerant is difficult to say. But, the larger the fruit is supposed to be at maturity, the longer it takes to reach this size. Thus, the longer it takes the more high temperatures affect the growing fruit and vice versa. The Arkansas Traveler being a smaller tomato will achieve its potential size and ripeness in the same temps faster than a larger fruited variety in high temps.