Hi! My dear indoor lemon tree planted from seed is 10+ years old. A year ago there was a reign of bugs (spraying with green soap solution was unsuccessful), so I cut off all leaves and stems, leaving only a small trunk. After suffering, the plant started to regrow. Now that the plant has started flourishing, I installed an LED light to aid photosynthesis and took a soil sample to the laboratory to see how I need to fertilize it. Some of the leaves dried partially, so I assume there is a nutrient imbalance. I did not get enough sample to measure pH, because roots are so abundant in the pot (about 15L or 4 gal) and I did not want to damage them. I have pinched off apical buds to get more bushiness.
I will probably get the lab results today and share them with you.
I will probably get the lab results today and share them with you.