Let`s hope you get a bit more rain this coming summer !!
By ''blue pacific'' I assume you mean Ceanothus - a lovely plant with plenty of blooms, and most suitable - Wattle trees (Acacia) also great.
It depends though what sort of effect you want to end up with.
I usually tend to favour a mixed hedge, with several varieties planted together, but some people tend to go for uniformity.
I think a popular plant there for screening might be the Lilly Pilly -Acmena Smithii, which I have never grown myself, but I know it has red fruits which the birds enjoy. Pittosporums are good too - green pillar should be easy to come by (lovely perfume). Photinia fraseri has bright red new leaves each time it is trimmed. Callistemons (bottlebrush), Loropetalum (china pink), Eleagnus ebbingei (sweet perfume from insignificant white flowers in the winter), Lonicera nitida (a good one to cut into shapes) and an all time quick growing sturdy favourite of mine is Griselinia littoralis which is evergreen, reliable and easy to trim.
All my family live in Australia - some in Tas and some in Queensland. I used to live north shore Sydney in Terry Hills.
As an afterthought, whatever hedge you plant, you could grow a Bougainvillea through it - you lucky thing - they won`t grow here.