I planted a sango kaku coral bark Japanese maple last fall and it has done well all year. Just as it was beginning to nicely leaf out last week, we had a record-breaking hot streak, which followed a very heavy rain. Two or three days later, the leaves on the tree were all shriveled up. My local nursery, where I bought the tree, said it should not have been exposed to afternoon sun, only morning sun, and some do better in shade. They suggested I try moving the tree (it's about 6' high now) to a shadier spot, or morning sun spot. (Online sources says they can do well in sun or shade, which is what my gardener and I both thought as well, and in fact, it has done well all year, including a very warm fall of 2019). I figure it can't hurt to try to move it, as it might survive, since it is early enough in the season. Any advice appreciated!