Hello gardeners
I cold stratified japanese maple seeds. Kept them in plastic bags for a few months, then put them in soil last month and they are doing fine.
I made that 3 years ago but during summer they all died.
I know its crucial to keep soil moist and get them sun untill noon and later put them in shade.
My worry is they will get too leggy then dry out.
Plase some advices..?
Hardiness zone 7a,b (Bosnia, southeast Europe)
I cold stratified japanese maple seeds. Kept them in plastic bags for a few months, then put them in soil last month and they are doing fine.
I made that 3 years ago but during summer they all died.
I know its crucial to keep soil moist and get them sun untill noon and later put them in shade.
My worry is they will get too leggy then dry out.
Plase some advices..?
Hardiness zone 7a,b (Bosnia, southeast Europe)