If Satan was a gardener

Oct 8, 2017
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Birmingham, AL USA
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United States
I have been disappointed to learn of a issue beyond simple toxicity in Plants. My brother, the mechanical engineer, MBA, CFP, ad nausem told me over beers that his good buddy, a genetic researcher at UAB, refuses to eat celery, which my wifely parts and I consume in our daily salads. Even my favorite BBQ spice, cumin is at issue with this mutagenic compound. I am going to cut down my fig tree because of it. It makes me sad. It seems such a dangerous thing. Maybe I am over-reacting with too little awareness of the bigger picture as is usual for me.

Psoralen- google me
Last edited:


Mar 20, 2017
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
With the toxins in our environment, the chemicals in our processed foods, the hormones in our commercial meat and the aluminum fallout from jet contrails, I'm afraid that psoralen doesn't even make the top 10 list of things that keep me up at night. ;)

That's why I snore! Hahaha! Knowledge is a good thing. Before, China just churned out toxic fumes until their children couldn't see or breathe and now the idea of environmental protection is up and running, it can only be good. That China refuse accept our rubbish shows that the country is now aware of the importance of good air. Funny thing was that nearly 30 years ago, environmentalists were campaigning against excessive packaging in supermarkets and even now we still have the same problems. Someone needs to take some concerted effort to protect our little globe! We are blessed with such knowledge and I hope @DirtMechanic will continue to highlight them to raise our awareness.
Oct 8, 2017
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Birmingham, AL USA
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United States
I guess because I am Blonde, Blue Eyed, and was an Adonis 40 years ago I am concerned about this chemical and being out in UV light causing the skin cancer since they seem to have proven a link. I hate it when they do that prove the link thing.
Jan 5, 2017
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Atlantic Beach, Fl
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United States
I think I have a unique take on what others have already said, “All in Moderation”.

I've always been somewhat active, i.e. lifting weights and riding a bicycle as my primary form of transportation since the mid-80's; at one point I was cycling 50-miles (80 km) round trip, to-and-back from work. However, despite this I was still (as many do) gaining weight as I aged. The simple answer to this is usually that you just have a slow metabolism. I mindlessly accepted this, along with the “big-boned” excuse, emphasis on excuse.

Fast forward to 2006 when I hiked the Appalachian Trail. On the AT you have to ration your food, simply because there are no towns at every turn; I was spending on average a week on the trail before resupplying. In the beginning I was feeling miserable, because I wasn't eating near the same amount of calories I was conditioned to, not to mention I was hiking all day, up and down mountains with a pack on my back.

However, I experienced a dramatic change, so quick the change I couldn't believe it. I woke up one morning in town, went to breakfast and I ate and ate and ate...and I was never able to fill myself up to the point of having that bloated feeling; the food seemed to just evaporate on the way down. Not only did I not feel bloated, but when I started back on the AT after eating, the trail went straight up a huge hill; I went up it so quickly and nothing was slowing me down. This was about a month into my hike and my body had its first major change/acclimation to high volumes of exercise with reduced caloric input; my body only got more efficient after that.

Lesson learned: The body is super, super efficient. We humans eat way too much in modern life. The fact is that when we experience huger pains, it's not a signal that you need to eat, rather it's a signal that your body is spoiled. Also your body is super efficient at using body fat as fuel; however, if you try and exercise without eating you will feel weak and possibly lightheaded (like I was feeling in the beginning), but that's only because your body is spoiled, it wants more easily metabolized food, like what you stuff in your mouth. It's a total myth that you need X-amount of calories per day (chose your favorite recommendation), even if you're on an exercise regimen.

This was one of my most important life lessons. I can't imagine how much I'd weigh now if I never learned this lesson, much less the other health effects that come with over eating, which all Westerners suffer from and many others around the world and it's a growing global problem.

What does this have to do with carcinogenic celery?

I wouldn't worry about it; as others have said, All in Moderation. I'd worry about the ill effects of over-eating, far more dangerous, IMHO.
Aug 6, 2017
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Stroudsburg, PA
Hardiness Zone
United States
I guess because I am Blonde, Blue Eyed, and was an Adonis 40 years ago I am concerned about this chemical and being out in UV light causing the skin cancer since they seem to have proven a link. I hate it when they do that prove the link thing.

I was wondering who the other blonde, blue-eyed Adonis of 40 years ago was besides me!. Alas, I have succumbed, also.

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