Hello, I'm reasonably new to gardening and have just pulled down an enormous 18 ft shed at the end of my small back garden. The only difference from the picture is I have now removed the square yellow wall in the middle of the picture. I enjoy growing vegtables and would like a little more growing space in any design. The left hand side of the garden with the conifer hedge doesn't get much sun and the roots of the conifer hedge make for very poor growing conditions-everything I've tried apart from budlia has struggled so I wondered about a winding path? The right hand side of the garden gets a lot of sun from 11-6 in the summer. The pH of the soil is 7.5 and I love the idea of a cottage garden style where not all the garden is easily visible from the patio doors/living room doors out of the picture (bottom right). I'm overwhelmed about how to even start making this space look nice but am always keen to start a DIY project if I can (though happy to hire I help if needed.) Ive read circles/semi circles are often a good idea in narrow spaces. I also wondered whether a trianglar raised bed at the back of the garden might work. The top bit of the garden loses the light around late afternoon so a seating area I thought would be better placed a little where you can't see bottem right of the photo on a patio or decking. Any helpful suggestions would be great. Thank you in advance. Lee