When one grows plants in a pot, especially a clay pot, the soil dries out much more rapidly than the same plant growing in the ground. I have basil and oregano growing in pots and in the ground. In pots I have to water at least twice as often as the plants in the ground. But the rule stays the same. If the plants in the pots are wilted in the morning hours they need water, if the plants in the ground are wilted in the morning they need watering. The plants in the ground need on the average watering about every 7 - 10 days. The plants in the pots about every 3 -5 days depending on the temp, humidity and wind. There is no rule or law as to when a plant needs to be watered. Plants need to be watered when they need to be watered, not watered by some kind of schedule. Is common sense extinct? Is it so hard to understand that you water a plant when it needs to be watered, not when you think you should water it.? I would not be surprised that more plants are killed by kindness than by neglect.