How big is your garden?

Mar 29, 2014
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I know a lot of people dream about owning a really big garden. I have the same dream. My garden is only about 2 grounds in size, which is pretty small. However, we have a lot of trees and shrubs in this little area. I have a preference for native varieties, and so, there are quite a few teak and mango trees in my garden.
Jul 17, 2013
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Right now no garden for me because I might be moving to a different country soon, but once I get my own place... I don't really dream of a huge garden, because I'm a very realistic person. If I get a really big garden odds are I'll not be able to take care of it properly, thus a lot of the things I plant might die. I know my boyfriend... he knows nothing about gardening so he'd not be a helping hand there :(
Sep 20, 2012
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I dream of a big garden, too! The bigger, the better. I'd plant hundreds of poplars and roses in it.
Currently, I live in my parents' house, but they gave me a part of their garden. I can plant anything I want there:)
Feb 24, 2014
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I used to have a huge are to garden. Size was limited by my ability to maintain it and expand it. As it wasn't at my home, I still needed to work during the week and head to the garden on breaks and on weekends. Having a huge area is great for experimentation. Now I have a much smaller garden - limited to a few small beds and potted plants. I still get a good crop of veggies every year, but I have had to forgo the flowers for the most part and the fruit trees.
I have plans on expanding into the hillside but that will require my back be in good shape all summer in order to move rocks.
May 20, 2013
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Last year my garden was rather small, as I only got half of it planted. This year it will be pretty darned large! My husband and son wants to raise a lot of corn and probably sell it at the local farmers market, and so my garden size will about triple.

Last year the right of way for the electric company changed, and so they removed some of my trees. I do not expect them to need to drive their trucks in (last year they replaced the poles and wires so they should still be good), and so my husband and son are greatly expanding the garden area. Before they are done we might have 1200 square feet for the three of us to work.

I have found that a smaller garden gives me a higher yield because I can take better care of it, but I will enjoy watching the guy's project!
Aug 16, 2013
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I can't say that I ever dreamed of having a large garden - as I was always very happy to have any size of garden - so long as I could garden :D
However as it turns out - I've landed up with one of massive proportions - which although I grow all my own fruit and vegetables and a vast array of ornamentals - it isn't anywhere near as hard to maintain as I thought it would be - as I have planted it in such a way that makes it very easy to maintain - with everything being drought tolerant and extremely low maintenance but looking good all year round - with very little effort from me :)
The only time it requires a bit more time and effort is around this time of year - when apart from getting the vegetable patch under way I have to deal with all the weeds - which often grow to monster proportions over the winter months and have to be dealt with by the beginning of June - for the simple reason that as our summer temperatures are often well in excess of 48 C - because of the fire risk we have a law here - that requires you to keep your property and its perimeter weed free between the months of June and October and failing to do so results in a very hefty fine.
Feb 7, 2014
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Started with a 4x4 and 4x2 raised bed. Last year added a 3x3. This year added the small greenhouse and will be putting in a 12x4 with a trellis/arbor for all the vining veggies. I addition to that I have a blackberry patch that about 4x12 and will throw a few raspberry plants in that area too
Mar 30, 2014
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Since my husband and I rent the property we are on, we are not allowed to break ground for a garden.....or flowers! We then thought and researched a little on how to do small porch gardens. For the last 5 years, we've had a porch garden. I would classify it to be medium in size and we make our wooden boxes that we use to grow the vegetables in. We may not get to grow a forts worth but we do manage to grow enough to feed my family of 5 plus donate some.
Jan 26, 2014
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Our garden is pretty big too. My parents have always preferred big lots to smaller ones. And over 60% of what they grew last year was edible.
Aug 16, 2013
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Growing the garden is half the fun, why don't you like to maintain it?

It is and I've no idea why you should think that I don't enjoy maintaining my gardening - just because I have a low maintenance garden.

Having a low maintenance garden doesn't mean that people don't enjoy gardening or that there is nothing to do - it simply means - that because I have an enormous amount of land to look after single handily and enjoy growing all my own fruit and vegetables as well as caring for my many ornamental plants - I can enjoy tending my plants as well as my garden at all times of the year - without being a slave to it :)

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