I'm revamping a bed in the backyard and before I finished mulching was thinking about adding some new perennial plants/ flowers. It's facing east/ south east and right up against a stone retaining wall which is maybe 4-5 feet high. There's zebra grass on the left that does very well and last year I planted a hydrangea that was gifted to us but didn't really do well; brown tips on the leaves even though we were watering quite frequently. I think it just got too much sun.
I would really love a couple blue mophead hydrangea's but don't think they're in the cards because of the afternoon sun. My second thought was a neat butterfly bush like this but don't know if it'd get enough sun: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0070/4040/1477/products/fourthofjuly_720x.jpg?v=1606877953
And then maybe surround the butterfly bush with hostas/ salvia or something else. I want to stick with a perennials, relatively low maintenance and something that will give me nice blooms. Very open to any ideas. TIA
Central MA - zone 6a.
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