Hello from Southern Ohio.
I'm in zone 6B. Planning my largest garden ever this year.
I live in a small town on 1/3rd acre.
These are my tomatoes for this year.
I am trying about 5 different varieties of paste tomatoes for my wife to make marinara. She made some last year that was very good, but we didn't have the paste style tomatoes so it was more difficult. This year I am growing a whole bunch of them.
I am also cultivating a variety that I found growing next to my hot tub. I call it "Hot Tub Tomato" because I'm original like that. I never grew anything like it, but these are super sweet grape size tomatoes and it produces absolutely prolifically. So I saved a bunch of seeds and I'm growing some this year to see if I can stabilize it.
I'm also growing a bunch of varieties I've seen recommended online, including Hillbilly, Orange Jazz and Alices's Dream.
I also have a large variety of peppers, gourds, watermelon and cucumber that I am growing.
Growing a couple super hots including All Hallow's Eve and Gator Jigsaw. And then some not hots like Habanada and Trinidad Perfume. Also a bunch of Big Jim Hatch Green Chilis, Jimmy Nordellos, Sugar Rush Peach, Aji Amarillo, and others.
I have spent a long time on reddit for gardening, but I recently decided to leave reddit as I am unhappy with the admin team and how they handle things, and I got really really tried of the politics. The moderators over there let politics invade every area of the forum and its like...I just want to talk about gardening or whatever.
I'm in zone 6B. Planning my largest garden ever this year.
I live in a small town on 1/3rd acre.
These are my tomatoes for this year.

I am trying about 5 different varieties of paste tomatoes for my wife to make marinara. She made some last year that was very good, but we didn't have the paste style tomatoes so it was more difficult. This year I am growing a whole bunch of them.
I am also cultivating a variety that I found growing next to my hot tub. I call it "Hot Tub Tomato" because I'm original like that. I never grew anything like it, but these are super sweet grape size tomatoes and it produces absolutely prolifically. So I saved a bunch of seeds and I'm growing some this year to see if I can stabilize it.
I'm also growing a bunch of varieties I've seen recommended online, including Hillbilly, Orange Jazz and Alices's Dream.
I also have a large variety of peppers, gourds, watermelon and cucumber that I am growing.

Growing a couple super hots including All Hallow's Eve and Gator Jigsaw. And then some not hots like Habanada and Trinidad Perfume. Also a bunch of Big Jim Hatch Green Chilis, Jimmy Nordellos, Sugar Rush Peach, Aji Amarillo, and others.
I have spent a long time on reddit for gardening, but I recently decided to leave reddit as I am unhappy with the admin team and how they handle things, and I got really really tried of the politics. The moderators over there let politics invade every area of the forum and its like...I just want to talk about gardening or whatever.