Hello from a Passionate Gardener!

Jun 28, 2024
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United States
Hi everyone,
I’m excited to join this wonderful gardening community and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Kelly Young, and I’ve been nurturing my love for gardening for the past 40 years. From a young age, I’ve always been fascinated by the beauty and tranquility of nature, and gardening has become a way for me to connect with it on a deeper level.
In my garden, you’ll find a variety of plants that reflect my diverse interests:

  1. Roses: I have a particular fondness for roses. Their timeless beauty and fragrance make them a centerpiece in my garden, and I enjoy experimenting with different varieties to find new favorites.
  2. Tropical Plants: I’m passionate about growing tropical plants. Their lush foliage and exotic flowers bring a touch of the tropics to my garden, creating a vibrant and relaxing atmosphere.
  3. Celosia: Celosia's unique and colorful blooms are a joy to cultivate. They add an exciting visual element to my garden and are always a conversation starter.
Although I don’t currently have a vegetable patch or herb garden, I have enjoyed growing them in the past. I loved experimenting with different vegetable varieties and culinary herbs like basil, thyme, and rosemary. I’m considering starting these projects again soon and would love to hear any tips or recommendations you might have!

Gardening is more than just a hobby for me; it’s a way of life. I find immense joy in watching plants grow and thrive, and I’m always eager to learn new techniques and tips. I’m here to share my experiences, seek advice, and connect with fellow gardeners who share the same passion.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you all and contributing to this fantastic community. If you have any questions or just want to chat about gardening, feel free to reach out!

Happy gardening! 🌿🌻

Best regards,
Kelly Young
Jun 20, 2021
Reaction score
United States
Hello. I'm new too. Well I have had the most success growing basil under a grow light indoors, because it gets too cold here for it to live outdoors. It likes its soil quite wet. I water it once or twise a week with a deep water catch and dead head the flowerbuds so it doesn't bolt if I don't want seeds. By keeping it from going to flower & bonsaiing it it will live for 3 to 5 years. If I want seeds, I cycle a portion back into the same pot with liquid fertilizer. They are susceptible to root rot, white flies & fungus gnats, so I keep a sticky catch in the pot and spray with a homemade folliars spray if there is ever an outbreak. I get a good leaf harvest every few months & dry them on the counter into a ground cooking herb.

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