The Strawflowers, also known as Paper-daisies or Everlastings, consist of a number of genera in the Cudweed tribe (Gnaphalieae) of the Daisy family (Asteraceae). The genus Helipterum is now considered a synonym of Syncarpha, with many species placed in other genera.
For example, Rhodanthe chlorocephala spp. rosea was formerly known as both Helipterum roseum and Acroclinium roseum.
Many Strawflower genera are native to either Australia (Anemocarpa, Chrysocephalum, Erymophyllum, Gilberta, Hyalosperma, Leucochrysum, Rhodanthe, Triptilodiscus, and Xerochrysum) or South Africa (Phaenocoma, Syncarpha).
However, the large Strawflower genus Helichrysum is native to much of the Old World including Eurasia, Africa, Madagascar, Taiwan, Philippines, New Guinea, Australia, Tasmania, New Caledonia, and New Zealand.
Also, Xeranthemum, with four species, is native to Europe, northwestern Africa, and southwestern Asia.