Come Construction and Mechanic work my Son is good.
Take him fishing I like using such and such knot. He just looks at me and says I don't know knots.
This morning I was watering and told him I was seeing a lot of White Flies and seen a Leaf Hopper on a Peachtree to be vigilant. He had that look. What do they look like and what do I do?
I told him few weeks ago we had bunch of Gnats. He thought I was seeing them on certain plants that we had trouble before with and told me it was my fault because I was Over Watering. No it's because I live in the woods and have Chickens.
Thing is he never seen the Gnats that was giving us problems. The larva destroyed the roots.
While I'm thinking should I be spraying my Outdoor plants to be preventive?
I hate this stuff. I was told to lay out fish to thaw, I forgot about it several times before I went in half dressed to lay it out.
big rockpile
Take him fishing I like using such and such knot. He just looks at me and says I don't know knots.
This morning I was watering and told him I was seeing a lot of White Flies and seen a Leaf Hopper on a Peachtree to be vigilant. He had that look. What do they look like and what do I do?
I told him few weeks ago we had bunch of Gnats. He thought I was seeing them on certain plants that we had trouble before with and told me it was my fault because I was Over Watering. No it's because I live in the woods and have Chickens.
Thing is he never seen the Gnats that was giving us problems. The larva destroyed the roots.
While I'm thinking should I be spraying my Outdoor plants to be preventive?
I hate this stuff. I was told to lay out fish to thaw, I forgot about it several times before I went in half dressed to lay it out.
big rockpile