i took this pic from google , the idea is same , u can find many ways , u can watch on utube too , theres no special trick , just need to have some wholes at the bottom , u can hang this pipe too or create a stand , u can drill holes or make cuts then heat it with dryer to make small pockets facing upwards .
its my 1st year growing strawberries , my climate is very different so i may not be able to help u precisely but what i read is same that they need full sun , we do have strong sun but i am not giving it more then 5 hours and it still gave fruits already
In my warmer climate , it gives fruit in spring and early winter , it stays alive or weakens some die in mid summers but do not bloom , i think thats what they mean that it needs some cold to bloom , other theory i think some one mentioned is about its seed , they say seed need to go thru cold , some freeze it then sows it to germinate .