Feedlots are where they auction off cattle to be processed into food. They basically starve them for 24 hours, weigh them, then auction them off. They use a skid steer to clean up the stables for the next group of cattle. They put the manure in a big pile, usually behind the feedlot. They give it away for free, and will even load it in your method of conveyance with their skid steer.
Warning: the manure can contain foreign seeds. I fertilized a pumpkin patch and there were certain areas that had jonhson grass patches that germinated. My sister in law fertilized her yard with manure and a few months later her yard was full of crab grass. But it's still a fun thing to do. The last time I went to get manure from the feed lot there was a partial cow skeleton in the pile.
Warning: the manure can contain foreign seeds. I fertilized a pumpkin patch and there were certain areas that had jonhson grass patches that germinated. My sister in law fertilized her yard with manure and a few months later her yard was full of crab grass. But it's still a fun thing to do. The last time I went to get manure from the feed lot there was a partial cow skeleton in the pile.