Favorite meal you’ve made with something you have grown?

Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
Hardiness Zone
4 to 5 best for success.
United States
What is Amish?
The Amish people. (better to google). But summary, they are all over America, I have seen them in Belize also. Anyway, they are a group with religious beliefs that keep them segregated from the world in general. They don't use lots of modern convenience that we normally use such as electricity, cars, planes. Although they can hire a non-Amish to drive them to distance places. They mainly use horse and buggy. I will attach a video of me following one in my road on the way home. Their main source of income is from farming, live stock, builders, barn builder, workmen, bakers, homemade food groceries, green houses. They sell to us non-Amish folks. Many of them are crazy rich, they own thousands of acres of property, handed down over the years. They usually have lots of children, 10 children is not abnormal for the women to have. They have their own church and school. Their children only go up to about 6 grade then are expected to work. Some of the women take jobs such as cooks, bakers, food processing etc, housekeeping, yard work etc. Their math skills are un beatable, compares to some children same age I have run across of non-Amish. We have a few friends that we associate closer with, this one guy we know Sam, would run rings around any CEO of a major firm. Very smart. I have two Amish that live near me, where I can get free range eggs from, baked good, veggies, homemade cheese, and jams, fruit, and raw milk. Not all Amish are created the same, there are some that have slightly different belief differences, you can tell they are from different groups from their dress. But, for more, google about. It is not unusual to share the roadways with a buggy and a horse, on a wider street they stay on the right, and you slowly pass them. They always wave to you, even if you never seen them before. They believe in no work on Sunday' so sometime late Saturday you can get things cheaper as they know the food item might not make it till Monday. Their children are so cute and so well behaved. You wonder what they do to get them to be like that.
Amish boy.jpg
Amish horses (2).jpg
Amish Sunrise..jpg
Amish playing (2).jpg
Last edited:
Nov 5, 2019
Reaction score
United States
I have discovered that the ones that bloom yellow/white flowers are a more delicate flavor, and the ones that are the dark red the stronger flavor. I plant both to have a selection.

in general don't grow veggies, I have Amish everywhere around me to get stuff from.

Oh! Thanks for that tip! I love having the sam plants of different variety and comparing them! I will totally get a selection.

Also that's really cool that you can buy veggies from your Amish neighbors. Great way for them to make a living and get some good food.

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