Hard to read, is it Aug 2022?
Based on total ignorance I would go ahead and use it. But then based on the same thing I would probably add a little bit of this or a little bit of that depending on what I feel the plants I am potting on might like. So, planting seeds today I put a little bit of manure mixed into the bottom of the container and planted courgette (zucchini) above it in straight potting compost, and the tomatoes got a dash of wood ash mixed in. Almost completely irrational, quite possibly wrong, but plants want to grow, and probably will despite me.
Is the depletion likely to be of organic matter, and are the nutrients in that bag organic? Why not try it and water with dilute tomato fertiliser just in case, so long as it isn't gross a little bit too much of something is unlikely to hurt and tomato fertiliser is good, all round, balanced sort of stuff.