I used some of my aubergines last night in an improvised ratatouille type bake, which had with crusty bread.
My wife thought it delicious, but it was very simple.
For two good portions:
1 large homegrown onion
2 small green homegrown peppers
1 small homegrown courgette
1 med homegrown aubergine
5 med homegrown tomatoes
3 cloves homegrown garlic
I small bunch homegrown basil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 large ribbon of tomato puree.
A little rapeseed oil
A little olive oil.
6 oz (170ml) water
Chop into large chunks all the veg, crush the garlic and shred the basil
Fry all the veg so that they soften together, i.e. add them to a medium hot frying pan containing the rapeseed oil in the following order:
Then add the garlic, stir them all together for a minute and add tomato puree and water.
Turn up the heat to boil off most of the liquid and season with salt and pepper.
When the liquid has thickened, remove from the heat.
Place in ovenproof container, a pyrex-type dish, and stir in the basil.
Put in the oven, uncovered, at 160 C (300F) for 35 mins to slightly caramelise.
Remove from oven and stir in a good glug of olive oil and serve with crusty bread cut thick and rustic. (Sounds like it will be too fatty, but because you don't butter the crusty bread and instead mop up the sauce with it, it isn't.)
Delicious, unpretentious peasant food.
By all means have meat with it, and pork, beef or chicken will work well, and if you do, it would probably be enough for a family of four.