May 2, 2023
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United Kingdom

I inherited a dog rose (briar rose) that is trained over one side of an arch.. a climbing rose the other side of the arch.

I want to cut one of the old stems back to create some younger stems to tie in… as they flower from previous years canes.

The three canes it currently has are very old (about an inch or bigger thick) and they are tied in to about 3/4 of the way up the arch side… from where they have been previously cut to send out a few younger canes each that are then bent over the top of the arch.

There is also a honeysuckle planted in amongst it also trained over that side of the arch.

I have read that it’s best to cut one of these older stems back to near ground in late winter or early spring. Where it will send out new canes from the cut to tie in and which will flower the year after… but that means waiting till next March to cut, then another year for it to flower?

Can I just cut one now? About half way up.. that way it should send out new growth this year and flower next? Reducing the time by one year? I know it’s a little late and it’s actually now flowering… but can I do this during the growing season instead of late winter/early spring? Even if I have to wait a bit till the flowers fade….. surely it will just send out new growth now and will have plenty of time to grow this season still…

Can I also do this to over shrubs, presuming they have flowered or will not flower for say 6 to 8 weeks? I just don’t think rejuvination pruning is limited to late winter/early spring? Aslong as there is still enough time for resulting growth to grow before flowering/frosts?

Please advise.

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