I've felt it necessary to water pretty much everything, every day for nearly 3 weeks! We had quite a downpour last night, but I don't think it would be enough to go really deep if we hadn't been watering.
We've had abnormally hot and dry weather for 3 weeks now. No rain at all, and blazing sunshine all day long. We topped out at 29 degrees C yesterday which is unheard of where I live (West of Scotland). Forecasts are for days of scorching hot weather ahead and small chance of light showers is best they can offer for the fortnight ahead.
I've had the sprinkler on all day - moving it around the garden. Normally I don't, but last year my crab apple tree lost all it's leaves by July - never was sure if it was scab or draught, but as scab likes wet weather I'm guessing draught. Also, we lost all the daisies in the wild flower meadow last year.
So, sprinkler has been out all day - moving it around the garden. I wouldn't do this later in the year, but early on in the season everything has shallow little roots and there's very little ground cover to keep moisture in. It's drying out SO quickly.
I realize this can result in shallow roots, but my garden looks like a green oasis compared to all around. Here's hoping.....