I have the same virus every year, despite trying to move the plant every year. This year, i used my above ground garden, that I put 9 feet away from my other garden to prevent virus spreading. I have NEVER had this virus in this newer garden bed, I bought seeds from burpee that are supposed to be resistant, and I only ever watered them twice a week, or less, and only ever during the morning or mid-day.
Sadly, the virus still appeared. I sprayed with copper bonide as soon as i noticed it, but im afraid its already too late.
-Which virus is this?
-Does my plant stand a chance?
-How did it get infected despite being a resistant seed, being over 9 feet away from any soil that could have the virus in it, and being watered less than twice a week? (it did rain a lot this week though, sometimes at night.)
-Will cutting back the most effected leaves help at all?
-Can i try to get some cucumbers from this plant, or should I just remove it before it effects my eggplant, and tomatoes planted in the same bed? (they are only 2 feet or so from the other plants)
-What can I do next year to help prevent this? (im about done with cucumbers)
Sadly, the virus still appeared. I sprayed with copper bonide as soon as i noticed it, but im afraid its already too late.
-Which virus is this?
-Does my plant stand a chance?
-How did it get infected despite being a resistant seed, being over 9 feet away from any soil that could have the virus in it, and being watered less than twice a week? (it did rain a lot this week though, sometimes at night.)
-Will cutting back the most effected leaves help at all?
-Can i try to get some cucumbers from this plant, or should I just remove it before it effects my eggplant, and tomatoes planted in the same bed? (they are only 2 feet or so from the other plants)
-What can I do next year to help prevent this? (im about done with cucumbers)