Clean Food

Dec 5, 2013
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The Importance of Self-‐Sufficiency in Food Production The Priorities

What actually matters in life? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself that question? We
are so busy making ends meet, rushing to and from work and errands, and generally
allowing all of the pressures of life to dictate our actions and dominate our thoughts that
we might not be able to easily answer a question as basic as "what really matters?"

So, what is the answer? It is going to vary from person to person because some people
would say that their family matters the most or that their pets matter the most. Some
would say that their health matters the most and others might believe that the amount of
money in their bank account matters the most. These are all reasonable answers, but
look at it this way - what matters at all if you don't have your health?
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Jul 17, 2013
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Hehehe! Not sure you should be posting this here ;) But anyway, I'd say health is the most important thing... I didn't know that before until I got sick. I'd not blame it AAAAAAALL on the food tho, lol. But yeah... I think eating ''clean'' food matters; the more the better.
May 20, 2013
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The Clean Food movement is relatively new, and I am not sure that a definition has been agreed on yet! So, what definition is yours?

That being said, I prefer my food without the preservatives added but that is not always possible. In my opinion a healthy meal is my own garden vegetables, fish and home made bread but try getting THAT when you are in town! And, if we ate like that every day my family would probably revolt, as DH likes his ice cream and DS likes his salty snacks. .
Mar 26, 2013
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Port William
United Kingdom
I gave up employment 8 years ago because of my wife's care needs, and although it has done my bank balance no good, it has enriched my life no end.
Apart from directly helping her, I have been able to spend much more time growing healthy, nutricious, tasty food, and although we're some way away from self-sufficiency, my view is that every portion which hasn't been sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, fertilisers and the like, is a bonus, especially when you think that the vitamin content is likely to be twice that of supermarket produce, and as for the flavour...
I also have time to minimise the amount of processed foods we eat.
I try to cook all our meals from the very basic ingredients; not always entirely possible, as we have wide-ranging tastes, but I'm learning more and more about the ingredients necessary and those which just add shelf life, etc.
Sep 20, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
I couldn't agree more, health is the most important. You can't really enjoy life is you are sick.
This is why I always take a good care of myself and I eat healthy. Ever since I got interested in gardening, I realized that it's quite easy to grow your own vegetables. Now, I can eat delicious tomatoes and cucumbers that weren't treated with any chemicals or pesticides:D
Aug 16, 2013
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I'm not altogether sure that I would agree that only health matters, I think happiness plays a very important part, whether you are healthy or not.
There are a lot of very healthy people around that are extremely unhappy, and then there are those, that are not so healthy but who are actually much happier, because through their illness they have learnt how to enjoy the simple things, together with the value life.
The clean food movement is not something that I have heard of before, but I think that it is a very good way of encouraging people to eat a healthier diet.
I can't eat any form of processed food or anything that contains artificial additives or preservatives, because I suffer from very severe food allergies, so can only eat truly natural, unadulterated foods, which means, the fact that I can grow all my own produce is of great benefit to me, and something that I'm especially grateful of, knowing all the nasty things they now do to our food, like the addition of chemical waxes, color enhancers and preservatives, just to make it look more pleasing to the eye and give the consumer, as well the store a longer shelf life, and thats done, after - all kinds of nasty chemicals have been used, during the growing process.
Preparing meals from all natural foods its often much more time consuming, but it is something that I have had to do all my life, so have got used to, but would say, that once you get in the habit of doing it, its certainly well worth it - not only for the health benefits but for taste as well.

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