Three weeks ago, I dug out 50 feet on each side of a path at the cottage, (1 feet wide of planting space) I wanted to have a cottage look where it looked a bit wild, like we just built our cottage and dug out this path through flowers that were already there, so I planted a variety of diffrent perennials, different heights, Colors etc.
I hate The way it looks. I don't know what it is, if it's too narrow, is it the rock, maybe there's too many plants, its too busy maybe, not grown in enough yet and not showing the diffrent heights?
I feel like I need to start over and group more plants together maybe? I'm not sure what it is, is it too soon to move plants I put in a few weeks ago?
I hate The way it looks. I don't know what it is, if it's too narrow, is it the rock, maybe there's too many plants, its too busy maybe, not grown in enough yet and not showing the diffrent heights?
I feel like I need to start over and group more plants together maybe? I'm not sure what it is, is it too soon to move plants I put in a few weeks ago?
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