Hi there
Wondering if someone can help me, moved to a new home, family member offered to help with landscaping the grass was ordered but not laid for at least a week or so after it’s been around 5-6 weeks and there’s a lot of brown patches, dead patches and weed coming through will this eventually grow can I do more than water it for it to come to life or am I digging this all out and relaying new grass? I am completely devastated at the moment
Wondering if someone can help me, moved to a new home, family member offered to help with landscaping the grass was ordered but not laid for at least a week or so after it’s been around 5-6 weeks and there’s a lot of brown patches, dead patches and weed coming through will this eventually grow can I do more than water it for it to come to life or am I digging this all out and relaying new grass? I am completely devastated at the moment