Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has successfully bird proofed their orchard. Importantly, I'm wondering if anyone's done it in a way that is also safe for the birds. Our property currently has a combination of chicken mesh along the bottom and a fine fabric type mesh (unsure of its proper terminology) but it has a few issues for wild birds - they can still get in along the sides and then panic trying to escape. Best case scenario, they're a bit spooked - worst they fly into one of the wooden or metal support beams and injure themselves. We've also found a few caught in the mesh, and some that I suspect were originally caught in the mesh and broke their necks trying to escape. I'd like a more bird friendly option for them.
(Just in case anyone's worried, we do have trees planted for the birds to enjoy, we're just trying to keep some of the fruiting trees for ourselves - we used to get huge flocks, like actually HUNDREDS, coming in and eating all the pears and apples)
(Just in case anyone's worried, we do have trees planted for the birds to enjoy, we're just trying to keep some of the fruiting trees for ourselves - we used to get huge flocks, like actually HUNDREDS, coming in and eating all the pears and apples)