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I have a question about plants that I brought in off the porch for the winter. Apparently, I brought aphids in with it. Big surprise there. I've sprayed the plant off several times with a water jet but I didn't change out the soil which I realize now was a mistake. The aphids are definitely thriving but I keep seeing these little tan colored round things. I thought they were egg sacs or something, but now I suspect they are parasitized aphids being killed by something that is preying on them. I haven't seen the predators, but they must have come in at the same time as the aphids. Will the predators eventually overwhelm the aphids? Should I wait them out or try and remove them both? I am worried that, if I go whole hog, changing out soil, spraying off plant and root, that I won't get all the aphids, but will remove the parasites that are going after them. Can anyone share their experience and advise me on what is the best course of action?