32 lbs. of onions in the freezer.

Apr 18, 2016
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
United States
This morning we put 32 lbs of chopped onions in the freezer and about 40 large slicer onions in the pantry. About 2 weeks ago most of the onion tops fell over and have been drying in the sun. Day before yesterday morning I pulled up onions and covered each patio table with all the onions they could hold. About 8 am this morning I pulled up the rest of the garden onions. About 9 am wife got out the chopper machine and started pealing onions. Any onion with a stem the size of a broom handle will not keep in the pantry so it has to be chopped even if it's a nice large slicer onion. For 3 hours I pealed onions outside and wife pealed onions in the kitchen. Wife ran the chopper machine and put onions in 1 lb. bags. Every time I had a basket of clean onions I took them to the kitchen. Bags are all a random mixture of, red, yellow, white, Vidalia, onions. Pantry has a random mix of the same 4 types of onions. Yesterdays evening after dinner pizza was already cooked we put raw sliced onions on the pizza, it was very good. We probably have a month or more of garden onions in the pantry. This year I was very careful not to put very much Ammonium sulfate fertilizer on onion plants we don't want spicy hot onions like last year.


Heirloom farmer1969

Year-round farmer and lover of all of nature
May 30, 2023
Reaction score
East Kentucky
Hardiness Zone
United States
This morning we put 32 lbs of chopped onions in the freezer and about 40 large slicer onions in the pantry. About 2 weeks ago most of the onion tops fell over and have been drying in the sun. Day before yesterday morning I pulled up onions and covered each patio table with all the onions they could hold. About 8 am this morning I pulled up the rest of the garden onions. About 9 am wife got out the chopper machine and started pealing onions. Any onion with a stem the size of a broom handle will not keep in the pantry so it has to be chopped even if it's a nice large slicer onion. For 3 hours I pealed onions outside and wife pealed onions in the kitchen. Wife ran the chopper machine and put onions in 1 lb. bags. Every time I had a basket of clean onions I took them to the kitchen. Bags are all a random mixture of, red, yellow, white, Vidalia, onions. Pantry has a random mix of the same 4 types of onions. Yesterdays evening after dinner pizza was already cooked we put raw sliced onions on the pizza, it was very good. We probably have a month or more of garden onions in the pantry. This year I was very careful not to put very much Ammonium sulfate fertilizer on onion plants we don't want spicy hot onions like last year.

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Niçe crop of onions!!
It's amazing the taste difference between a store bought onion and one you grow yourself .

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